St. Patrick’s Day ministerial visits announced

Government has announced it’s list of ministerial visits to take place on St. Patrick’s Day.

Cabinet and junior ministers will visit 48 countries in March as part of the annual festivities.

Despite pressures for Taoiseach Leo Varadkar to boycott his visit to the White house in a bid to call for a ceasefire in Israel, it has been confirmed he will go to Washington and Boston.

Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Charlie McConalogue will travel to Kenya, Ethiopia and South Sudan.

Meanwhile, Environment Minister Eamon Ryan is going to Brazil, Education Ministers Norma Foley and Simon Harris will visit the UK, while the Tánaiste goes to Canada.

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar says Ireland needs a voice at the international table:


St Patrick’s Day 2024 Ministerial Plans

Taoiseach Leo Varadkar United States – Washington & Boston
Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs; Minister for Defence Micheál Martin Canada – Vancouver, Ottawa, Toronto
Minister for Environment, Climate and Communications; Minister for Transport Eamon Ryan Brazil
Minister for Finance Michael McGrath China
Minister for Public Expenditure and National Development Plan Delivery and Reform Paschal Donohoe France, Bulgaria
Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment Simon Coveney India, Bangladesh
Minister for Education Norma Foley UK – Edinburgh, Cardiff, Manchester, London
Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media Catherine Martin United States – Nashville, Austin
Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage Darragh O’Brien South Africa, Zambia
Minister for Social Protection; Minister for Rural and Community Development Heather Humphreys United States – Springfield, Chicago & Madison
Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Charlie McConalogue Kenya, Ethiopia, South Sudan
Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration & Youth Roderic O’Gorman Japan – Tokyo, Osaka
Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly Australia – Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
Minister for Further & Higher Education, Research, Innovation & Science Simon Harris UK – London
Minister for Justice Helen McEntee United States – New York
Chief Whip & MOS D/Taoiseach, D/Health – Public Health, Wellbeing and the National Drugs Strategy Hildegarde Naughton Singapore
MOS D/Taoiseach & Foreign Affairs – EU Affairs and the Department of Defence Peter Burke United States – Atlanta & Savannah
MOS Foreign Affairs – International Development & Diaspora Seán Fleming Nigeria, Ghana
MOS DPENDR and TCAGSM – OPW and the Gaeltacht Patrick O’Donovan United States – St Louis & Kansas City
MOS DPENDR & DECC – Public Procurement and eGovernment; Communications and Circular Economy Ossian Smyth Korea
MOS D/Education – Special Education & Inclusion Josepha Madigan Switzerland
MOS DFHERIS – Skills and Further Education Niall Collins United States – Cleveland, Pittsburgh
MOS D/Transport & D/Environment, Climate and Communications – International and Road Transport and Logistics; Postal Policy Jack Chambers New Zealand – Christchurch, Wellington, Auckland
MOS D/Agriculture, Food and the Marine – Land Use and Biodiversity Senator Pippa Hackett Finland, Estonia and Latvia
MOS D/ Agriculture, Food and the Marine – R&D, Farm Safety and New Market Development Martin Heydon Germany
MOS D/Health & D/ Children, Equality, Disability, Integration & Youth – Disability Anne Rabbitte Sweden, Denmark
MOS D/Enterprise, Trade and Employment & D/SP – Business, Employment and Retail Neale Richmond Croatia, Slovenia
MOS D/Rural and Community Development, D/SP, D/Children, Equality, Disability, Integration & Youth – Community Development and Charities; Integration Joe O’Brien The Netherlands, Belgium
MOS D/Housing, Local Government and Heritage – Local Government and Planning Kieran O’Donnell Slovakia, Austria, Czechia
MOS D/ Housing, Local Government and Heritage – Nature, Heritage and Electoral Reform Malcolm Noonan Poland, Romania
MOS D/Enterprise, Trade & Employment – Trade Promotion & Digital Transformation Dara Calleary Peru, Chile and Argentina
MOS D/TCAGSM, D/Education – Sport and Physical Education Thomas Byrne United States – Phoenix, Los Angeles
MOS D/Finance – Financial Services, Credit Unions and Insurance Jennifer Carroll-MacNeill United States – Miami; Costa Rica and Mexico
MOS D/Justice – International Law, Law Reform & Youth Justice James Browne Vietnam
MOS D/Health – Mental Health and Older People Mary Butler Cyprus, Italy, Holy See
Ceann Comhairle Seán Ó Fearghaíl Spain, Portugal
Cathaoirleach Jerry Buttimer United States – San Francisco & Seattle
Attorney General Rossa Fanning United States – Washington and Boston