Oireachtas Committee to recommend introduction of assisted dying laws

An Oireachtas Committee is to recommend that laws are introduced for assisted dying.

It would only be allowed if the person has a terminal illness and short time to live.

The Joint Committee on Assisted Dying was set up last year to consider laws around a person’s right to end their life.

A majority of the TDs and Senators on the committee have now voted the law should be changed to allow someone receive assistance to end their life if they’ve between 6 to 12 months to live.

It would apply to people with a medical condition that is incurable and irreversible.

The illness must also be causing suffering which can’t be relieved to a degree that a person could tolerate it.

The full report will be released later this month with the issues being described as complex and sensitive.

Professor Siobhan McHale is a consultant liaison psychiatrist in Beaumont Hospital.

She has serious reservations about the prospect of introducing assisted dying………….
