House prices up 13% in Donegal

The number of houses available to buy across Ireland is the lowest its been in 17 years.

The latest Daft report found only 10,500 properties were on the market on March 1st, a 24% drop on the same date last year.

The lack of supply means prices are still rising, and they’re rising at a faster pace outside of Dublin. House prices in Donegal for the first three months of 2024 were 13% higher than a year ago, compared to a 3.2% rise in Dublin. The Donegal increase, the sharpest in the country, compares to a rise of 3% seen a year ago. The average price of a home is now just under €220,000, 17% below its Celtic Tiger peak.

Economist and author of the report Ronan Lyons says the shortage of second hand homes is a key factor…………….
