Donegal County Council secured an extra €15million in revenue funding last year

Donegal County Council’s revenue spending last year was almost €193 million, over €15 million more than was included in the Annual Budget which was agreed in 2022.

Head of Finance Richard Gibson also told members the council ran a surplus of €1.2 million in 2023.

Donegal County Council’s revenue spending last year was €192,882,000, €15,200,000 more than had been budgeted for. Richard Gibson told members the increase reflects extra money the council managed to draw down in grants. Of that, over €9 million was spent on maintaining and improving roads, while over €1.5 million was spent on housing.

There was a surplus of over €1.2 million, with Mr Gibson telling members that allowed the council do some extra capital works in the county.

€1 million was transferred from Revenue to Capital in 2023 to co-fund energy efficiency works at Council buildings, €500,000 was transferred from Revenue to provide additional funding for Public Conveniences capital works and  €100,000 was transferred from Revenue to provide additional funding for Disability Access works.

Mr Gibson concluded that when Revenue and Capital expenditure are taken together, the council spent a total of €342 million last year. On what is the last full council meeting before the local elections, he said over the lifetime of the current council, almost €1.4 billion has been spent in total by Donegal County Council, a 50% increase on the total spent in the previous five years.



