Protest for childcare services with defective concrete underway in Letterkenny

A crowd gathered outside the Donegal County Council offices in Letterkenny this afternoon to highlight that 40% childcare services in the county are affected by defective concrete.

It included managers, staff, parents and children who fear their settings face closure and will have nowhere to go.

Signs held by picketers read ‘Save Our Playgroup’ and ‘Where Will We Go?’.

Letterkenny Community Childcare manager and organiser of the demonstration Geraldine Burke says their service is essential to Letterkenny:

Fiona McCrabbe, manager of Raphoe Play group says there is a hidden stress that the public don’t see in the additional paperwork that is being put on staff as a result of the defective concrete:

Meanwhile, Theresa Gallen, Manager of TT Childcare in Stranorlar, whose building is not affected, says this impacts the industry as a whole:
