Report finds homes in at least 16 counties affected by defective concrete blocks

Homes in at least 16 counties have been affected by defective concrete blocks.

New research has questioned the future of a European certification and safety standard for building materials.

The Irish Independent report that UK-based minerals consultancy expert Petrolab have warned defective concrete blocks could appear in more areas of the country.

There is early evidence of defective concrete in Carlow, Wexford, Monaghan, Wicklow and Kerry.

Its findings have been published in a report assessing a European certification standard for concrete and aggregates.

The materials must conform with the certification, known as EN 12620, if used in homes and buildings.

Homes in Donegal affected by the defective concrete crisis do not meet this certification criteria because of the presence of pyrrhotite, a mineral which causes concrete to crack and crumble.
