Gardai investigate break-ins at derelict buildings in Letterkenny and Carrigart

Gardaí are appealing for information in relation to burglaries at vacant properties in Letterkenny and Carrigart.

On Friday last,June 14th,  a man entered a vacant property in Meadowbank Park, Letterkenny between 4pm and 4.20pm and stole a gas cylinder.

Gardai in Letterkenny are appealing to anybody who may have travelled in the area around that time with a dash cam to make the footage available to Gardaí. They are particularly interested in any sightings of a black Passat in in the area.

Gardaí are also investigating a burglary that occurred at ‘The Old Rectory’ in Carrigart at some stage between Wednesday June 5th and Wednesday June 12th. A window of the building was smashed.

Entry is believed to have been gained through another boarded up window. Grafitti was sprayed inside the vacant building but nothing was stolen. Gardai in Milford are investgating, and can be contacted at 074-9153060.

The Garda Confidential line may be reached with information on 1800 666 111.
