Podcast: Wednesday’s Nine Til Noon Show

The Nine Til Noon Show  is broadcast live weekdays 9am til 12noon! If you missed Wednesday’s live show, you can listen to the podcast below!

In this hour we speak to Danny from the Donegal Donkey Sanctuary after a man was intercepted attempting to gain access to a donations box, we hear of an increase in people seeking help for drug addiction and we learn that Lifeline Inishowen has seen a major increase in contacts after a serving member of the defence forces was given a suspended sentence for his attack on a young woman:

Highland GAA commentator Martin McHugh pays tribute to Mícheál Ó Muircheartaigh who passed away this week and we chat to John Sweetman about his new book focusing on his career as a forensic investigator with the Gardai:

There are calls for gambling to be treated as a public health risk, Wellness Wednesday focusses on the need for more foster carers and Chris Ashmore is in with Business Matters news:
