Fermanagh Police sees a number of drug and motoring offences

The District Support Team in Fermanagh have had a busy few shifts.

A number of vehicles were seized and a driver arrested after a number of motoring and drug offences in the area.

The team stopped a vehicle in the Tempo area and following checks it was discovered that there was no valid insurance policy in place.

As a result, the vehicle was seized and the driver has been reported to the courts.

It is the second time in a matter of weeks DST have had reason to speak to the same driver in relation to motoring offences.

On Friday evening, DST were alerted to a vehicle swerving all over the Killadeas Road.

The team located the vehicle within 5 minutes of it being reported and, after a short pursuit, the vehicle safely came to a stop and the driver failed a preliminary breath test.

The driver was arrested for several motoring offences including Driving With Excess Alcohol, enquiries are ongoing.

Yesterday, the team were on a proactive patrol in the Teemore area and had reason to stop a male on foot.

Following a search DST located a quantity of Class A and Class B Controlled Drugs. A follow up search of a near by boat resulted in a further seizure of Class B. The suspect was interviewed and has been reported to the courts.
