Gary Slevin and Claire McGuigan the winners of Donegal Half Marathon – Brendan McDaid joins Highland Sunday Sport

Donegal Half Marathon overall winner Gary Slevin
Gary Slevin was the overall winner of this morning’s Donegal Half Marathon in Letterkenny in a time of 73 minutes and 14 seconds. The Foyle Valley athlete was just over a minute ahead of Letterkenny AC’s Ciaran McGonagle (1:15:16) in second, with Charlie O’Donnell from Rosses AC third (1:16:02).

Letterkenny AC’s Claire McGuigan led the senior women home in 1:20:57, from Fiona Stack of Raheny Shamrocks AC (1:20:50) in second, and Maria Ní Mhaolagáin from Rosses AC (1:23:09) in third.

The wet and windy conditions did nothing to dampen the spirits of the field of almost 500 competitors who were set off by race starter Cllr. Ciaran Brogan shortly before 9.30am.

Speaking after the race, Gary Slevin, who is targeting the Valentia Marathon on December 1st, said he was delighted with his win.

“I’ve just started my marathon training block last week and I used today to get a good run out see to where I am at to be honest. I have 14 weeks to get ready for the marathon so it’s all about progressing from here. Conditions were absolutely awful out there today. The guys went off very, very quick and I let them go early doors – the pace was bit too fast for what I wanted today. But I worked my way back into it, had a bit left at the end, and passed Ciaran about five or six miles from the end. I kept pushing from there and I knew he was coming behind me, so I was running on fear more than anything and had to keep going.”

Clare McGuigan was equally pleased with what was her first Donegal Half Marathon success.

“It was wet out there, and it’s a tough enough course. In through the town was flat, there were a few rolling hills on the way out the back road. It was tough, too, in the wind, but there was good running on the main road on the way in. I was on my own for a good part of the race and managed to get up in behind a group at around six miles, so it was a matter of hanging on with them and getting a bit of shelter. I felt good and enjoyed the race,” she said.

Donegal Half Marathon Committee Chairman, Myles Sweeney, was extremely happy with how Sunday’s event went.

“It’s been another wonderful success, and it’s great to see such a big turnout. It’s great to feel the buzz, and it’s great to see the support. The conditions were poor, but it hasn’t deflated the event in any way and hopefully, everybody enjoyed it,” he commented.

“It’s hard to believe it’s ten years since the first Donegal Half Marathon was held. The event is going from strength to strength, and I’m delighted with the community effort because it is a community event. The biggest number taking part are at participation level and are there to achieve their own personal goals. We also have the elite runners at the front of the field and it’s great to see that as well. This event shows that there is no reason elite and participation can’t work together.

“We’ve seen a runner here today start the Letterkenny AC Fit4Life Programme maybe a year ago. And all of a sudden, here he is running in a half marathon. That’s a huge achievement, so obviously he’s got the running bug. That’s what you want to see – more people participating and taking their health more seriously and getting involved in sport and physical activity,” the chairman added.

Event organiser Brendan McDaid joined Ciaran Cannon on Highland Radio Sunday Sport today to talk about the event…


Letterkenny AC’s Claire McGuigan, first woman home in today’s half marathon

The main sponsor of this year’s Donegal Half Marathon is the Kernan Retail Group.


