Cllr Donal Mandy Kelly withdraws ahead Fianna Fail selection convention

Councillor Donal Mandy Kelly is the latest to pull out of the Fianna Fail general election selection convention.

Senator Niall Blaney and Ogra Fianna Fail’s Ben Harkin yesterday announced that they would not be seeking nomination at tomorrow night’s convention.

Councillor Kelly says he feels that he is not at the moment in a strong enough position to make it through what he says is going to be a very tough convention.

He says he looks forward to continuing to work tirelessly for the people to the best of his ability for the next 5 years as a County Councillor.

The party will vote tomorrow on whether former TD and Leas Ceann Comhairle Pat the Cope Gallagher, Minister Charlie McConalogue and Councillor Míchael Naughton will represent it in the general election.

Statement in full:
“With the Fianna Fáil convention taking place tomorrow, Thursday, I have decided to withdraw my name. I will not contest the Fianna Fáil convention. I feel that I am not at the moment in a strong enough position to make it through what is going to be a very tough convention.

I want to wish each nominee that is standing in the convention the very best of luck and I can assure the successful candidates of my full support and I look forward to playing an important role in trying to secure two FF seats in Donegal Constituency.

It’s very important to not only the Fianna Fáil party but also to myself that two strong candidate’s are elected in the upcoming General Election to help assist me to continuing to help, deliver, and support the people of Letterkenny Milford Municipal District and the people of Donegal to the very best of my ability.

I feel very strongly that I owed it to my team and you, the people who came out and gave me that massive vote in the local election to allow my name to go forward for nomination.

I want to thank each and every individual who had faith in me and nominated me to go forward for the forthcoming convention. I also want to thank each and every person that has supported me on this journey to date and I really look forward to continuing to work tirelessly for you the people to the best of my ability for the next 5 years as your County Councillor.

As always, my phone is always on, so please don’t hesitate to contact me, and I’ll certainly do my best.”
