Efforts underway to organise defective concrete block protest tomorrow

A protest is taking place tomorrow to highlight the difficulties defective concrete block homeowners continue to encounter in seeking remediation.

People are expected to gather in the vicinity of the Clanree Hotel, Letterkenny at 4:30pm where the Fianna Fail general election selection convention is taking place.

From there, a go slow protest, circulating from the Polestar Roundabout, through the Dry Arch Roundabout and out to the Manor Roundabout will take place.

Organisers say it’s in response to the lack of supports for homeowners, the downgrading of remediation options, the need for the IS465 standard to be removed and for the 10% scheme increase to be available for all homeowners.

Charles Ward, 100% Redress Party representative says they have been left with no other option but to take to the streets once again:
