Study shows ‘femicide’ is on the rise

Femicide is on the rise in Ireland, according to a new study.

It shows a 10 per cent increase in homicides against women between 2020 and 2021.

The Office of the State Pathologist found between 2021 and 2023, gender-based murder of women accounted for 29 per cent of all homicides reported to the State body – compared to 19 per cent in the decade previous.

This study aimed to explore the prevalence of femicide in Ireland over a 12-year-period.

Of all 97 cases of female murders, 96 were committed by a man.

In 2022 there were 13 femicide cases – the highest year in the study – compared to 8 the year before.

It is revealed 56 per cent of femicides were committed by a current or former partner.
