Investigation needed before next steps decided for Creeslough – Tánaiste

The Tanaiste says he wants to see investigations into the Creeslough disaster completed before deciding the next steps.

His intervention follows yesterday’s statement on behalf of the families of seven of those who lost their lives calling for a public inquiry.

They say the cause of the explosion is still not known to them, despite the ongoing Garda investigation.

Four men, three women and three children, ranging in age from five to 59, died in the tragedy almost two years ago.

Speaking at the UN in New York – Tanaiste Micheal Martin was reluctant to say whether he’d be in favour of an inquiry at this stage:

The families who issued the statement also want to meet with the Justice Minister Helen McEntee.

One of those who lost their lives was 14-year-old Leona Harper.

Her mother Donna says the families just want to know what caused the explosion almost two years ago:

Darragh Mackin, a solicitor with Phoenix Law representing the bereaved families from the blast, says that those who lost loved ones cannot fully process their grief without understanding the cause.

In an interview with Greg Hughes on the Nine ’til Noon show, Darragh rejected the Tánaiste’s comments:
