Drug driving offences up 66% in North West

Crime rates for the second quarter of this year have been released by the CSO.

Nationally there has been a fall in homicide and related offences, offences against government, justice procedures and organisation as well as sexual offences.

Meanwhile, across Ireland, burglary and related offences seen an increase, as did fraud, deception and related offences.

In the North-Western region, drug driving offenses have increased sharply by 66% to 189 from 114 in the second quarter of last year. Meanwhile, drink driving offenses have risen by 4% to a total of 351.

Fraud, deception, and related offenses have increased by 18% to 577. Additionally, the number of sexual offenses has risen by 14% to a total of 223.

Damage to property and the environment has decreased by 13% to 952.

There have been 1,200 attempts or threats to murder, assault, harassment, and other related offenses, which is a decline of 11%.

Weapons and explosives offenses have dropped by 8%, and controlled drug offenses have fallen by 7% to 100 and 593 respectively.

Finally, there were 2,187 theft and related offenses, down 5% from 2,294 the previous year.

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