Oireachtas members briefed on importance of Family Resource Centres

Oireachtas members have been briefed on the impact Family Resource Centres are having in Donegal and beyond, ahead of next week’s budget.

The finance minister is being urged to increase core funding to enable FRCs to deliver the services that are needed.

The call was made at a special briefing in Leinster House this week, held by the Family Resource Centre National Forum.

TDs and senators were told the required level of funding per centre is €240,000, for them to be able to adequately provide the support and services required of them and to realise the full potential impact of the National FRC Programme.

Kathleen McHugh is manager in Donegal FRC. She says the centres provide a wide range of services…..

Release in full-


  • Family Resource Centres renew their call for adequate funding in Budget 2025 –


Oireachtas members heard of the impact Family Resource Centres (FRCs) are having in Donegal communities and beyond, and the need for a renewed Government commitment to increase core funding to enable them to deliver the services that are needed. The call was made as part of an AV Room briefing at Leinster House this week, held by the Family Resources Centre National Forum (FRCNF).


For Budget 2025, the FRCNF has identified the required level of funding per FRC as €240,000, for them to be able to adequately provide the support and services required of them and to realise the full potential impact of the National FRC Programme.


Commenting on their pre-Budget submission Fergal Landy, CEO of the FRCNF said, “We are renewing our call to Government ahead of Budget 2025 to maximise the potential of the FRC National Programme to increase its capacity to deliver for children, families, individuals, and communities throughout Ireland, and in doing so, provide additional supports to both urban and rural communities coping with many challenges such as the housing crisis, poverty, the cost of living, and promoting inclusive communities for all. Our 121 FRCs cannot continue to deliver for communities without adequate funding.


“When FRCs are adequately funded, they are extremely effective at leveraging up to three times more funding from other government and philanthropic sources and can then involve the community in the planning of integrated supports to meet the diverse range of needs.


“In every corner of the country, from Donegal to Dublin, the FRC National Programme plays a vital role in providing support to communities. However, FRCs have long experienced a reduced level of core funding, in comparison to similar organisations, and we are now urging the Government to put communities at the heart of Budget 2025 and invest where it is needed most.”


Further information about the FRCNF is available here: https://www.familyresource.ie/

