Natures Farmers Episode 3

In Nature Farmers, Mary Brophy meets a number of farmers across Donegal who are farming with Nature. As the country experiences terrible declines of our wildlife, from birds to insects to wildflowers, we’ll hear how these farmers are creating or restoring habitats on their land. In some of Donegal’s most beautiful landscapes, discover how the county is an important refuge for precious species.

“If you produce the habitat, it doesn’t matter what it is, if you dig a pond, the duckswill turn up …things out there are continuously looking for somewhere happy to live”
Back on Inch island, Mary’s returned to see how Boyd got on planting ten acres of anew wildlife friendly cover crop. And on Sheskinmore Nature reserve, Mary meets NPWS Ranger Emer Magee to learn about the dramatic decline in what was once declared Ireland’s national bird – the lapwing or pilibín.
