DCC will spend almost €417,865,000 on Capital projects in 2025


Donegal County Council will spend almost €417,865,000 on Capital projects in the coming year. The projected figures are included in the Three Year Capital Budget approved by members at the same time as the Revenue Budget was agreed just before Christmas.

The largest figure, €132,750,000 has been set aside for Defective Concrete Block remediation, while €123,367,000, will be spent under the Housing, Corporate and Social Services Directorate, with most of it going on the council’s Social Housing Investment Programme.

Roads and Transport will account for just over €49,000,000, while almost €43,460,000 will be spent under the umbrella of Community, Enterprise and Planning Services, the bulk of it on urban and regional renewal projects. €41,700,000 is allocated to the Roads Management Office.

€16,970,000 has been allocated to Economic Development, Information Systems and Emergency Services, while €16,590,000 has been allocated to Water and Environment Services.

Chief Executive John McLaughlin has told members the estimated capital expenditure of €417,864,691 as indicated for 2025 is conditional on a range of factors and assumptions, including the allocation of grants, loan sanction approval from government, and availability of co-financing.
