Podcast Monday’s Nine Til Noon Show


The Nine ’til Noon Show  – Weekday’s 9am to 12noon
Magazine type mid morning chat show which aims to inform and entertain listeners and to platform their views and issues :

In the first hour we hear from Deputy Pádraig Mac Lochlainn who reacts to the Ceann Comhairle ruling that the Regional Group cannot form a Dáil technical group for the purposes of speaking rights. Cllr Patrick McGowan says littering is worse now that 20 years ago and Sean Gallagher says we need to build less houses in rural areas:

We have the latest Community Garda Information before chatting to Ashleen and her cancer journey emphasizing the importance of registering for Breastcheck and attending appointments:

We chat to Senators Eileen Flynn and Niall Blaney who both successfully contested the Seanad Elections, Joe McHugh discusses his new book and there is some excellent live music from Special Consensus: 
