The Nine Til Noon is broadcast live weekdays from 9am to 12noon. Here you can listen back to a Podcast of Thursday’s show:
Greg is joined by Sinn Fein Deputy Pádraig Mac Lochlainn who believes the government used one off cost of living payments to win the election – but what would his party do? We hear of about a Seanad Éireann bill on Scoliosis and there are details on next weeks election to choose a new Mayor for Donegal Town:
Audio PlayerWe hear how students from English speaking schools have the option of TY at Gairmscoil Chú Uladh and discuss attending a an all Irish secondary school from an English speaking primary school. We also speak to Christina from Donegal County Council about Social Inclusion Week which begins next Friday:
Audio PlayerSean Quinn is in studio as we unveil the total money raised for 3 charities as part of Highland Radio’s Birthday celebrations, we learn more about new religious group SSPX resistance Ireland which is hosting masses in Derry and there’s new on the amount of stroke patients who get access to dedicated stroke units:
Audio Player