Council unveils plans for reopening of tourism & hospitality sector


Donegal County Council has unveiled plans today to support the re-opening of businesses in the tourism and hospitality sector through facilitating additional outdoor dining and seating areas.
Owners of restaurants, cafés and eateries can apply for a licence from the Council for additional outdoor seating areas that will provide them with extra capacity to help them comply the public health social distancing requirements and achieve greater levels of sustainability in their business in 2020.
The Council is committed to a 10-working day turnaround for each application subject to all necessary information being received at the outset and normal licence fees are being waived under this scheme in 2020.
Cathaoirleach of Donegal County Council Cllr. Nicholas Crossan says the plans will create a clear pathway for business in getting them back on their feet:

The Council is also exploring funding options for larger communal areas where a local entity such as a Chamber of Commerce or a Community Development Group could establish a larger shared outdoor facility providing extra dining and seating area under this scheme in locations such as town squares or other civic spaces.
These plans are additional to other interventions and supports being delivered by the Council to support businesses during this time including the Restart Grant to businesses to fund reopening costs, a three-month waiver of Commercial Rates to businesses affected by Covid-19, the Business Continuity Vouchers and the Trading
Online Vouchers available through the Local Enterprise Office, the ongoing information and communications campaign on supports available to businesses including businesses in the tourism and hospitality sector, an integrated tourism marketing/product development campaign targeting the island of Ireland market and maximizing opportunities for Donegal as a remote working location of choice.
