Over 15 percent increase in employment in Derry and Strabane


There’s been a 15.3% increase in employment in Derry and Strabane.

The Strategic Growth Partnership for Derry and Strabane has heard that employment rose from 58,900 in 2001 to 67,900 in 2021.

The quarterly meeting of the Strategic Growth Partnership for Derry and Strabane was told that there would continue to be challenges in delivering the targets of the Strategic Growth Plan and that innovation will be key to driving growth.

A review of the plan includes details of the progress that has been made in the City and District since the strategy launched in 2017 – showing progress on economic indicators and how the area has delivered a number of projects in the plan such as the multimodal transport hub, the developments at Altnagelvin and progress at key regeneration sites such as Ebrington and Fort George.

Mayor of Derry and Strabane District Council, Councillor Sandra Duffy, says it was encouraging to hear that despite the many unavoidable challenges of the past two years, and the ongoing cost of living concerns, they remain on track to make progress in terms of driving down unemployment and growing the local economy.
