Eighteenth annual DCSDC Recycling Week gets underway today

(Photo – Tom Heaney, nwpresspics)

This week is Derry City and Strabane District Council’s eighteenth annual Recycle Week as they are encouraging everyone to be more responsible with their rubbish.

This year’s campaign focuses on three main areas – on the difference recycling can make, making sure the contents of your bins is correct, and clearing up recycling confusion.

During Recycling Week, residents in the Derry City and Strabane areas are being encouraged to step up their recycling efforts, with the District Council providing a number of resources.

People are being encouraged to note the do’s and don’t’s of what they can and can’t recycle in their blue bins.

The council say as little as one wrong item being in a recycling bin can make it so a lorry load of rubbish becomes un-recylable.

The Council is encouraging people to recycle more everyday household items such as handwash bottles, shampoo and conditioner bottles, detergent bottles and aerosol cans – while keeping nappies, plastic bags as well as crisp and sweet wrappers out of their recycling waste.

Mayor of Derry and Strabane District Council, Cllr Sandra Duffy, said recycling was more important than ever before and encouraged residents across the city and district to keep up the good work.

“During Recycle Week, we’d like to thank everyone for their continued efforts to reduce landfill waste and increase the overall recycling rates in our city and district. We already do a great job, but let’s kick it up a gear and try to include those easy-to-forget items in the kitchen and bathroom.

“Shampoo and conditioner bottles can be put in the blue bin, along with all those hand wash bottles and aerosol cans we use every day. If we remember to recycle these every-day items and keep them out of our black bins, we’ll really make a difference to the overall recycling rates in our region.”

Craig Stephens, Campaign Manager for Recycle Now, added, “By recycling even better we can have a big impact on our environment. In Derry and Strabane, it’s no different – more and more people are recycling, so the next step is to make sure we get our recycling right. So come on, Derry and Strabane, keep up the great work and let’s make our recycling better than ever before!”

There are more details on the Recycle Now website.
