DCC seeking to have Letterkenny Flood Relief Scheme prioritised

Donegal County Council officials say they’re pressing to have the Letterkenny Flood Relief Scheme prioritised by government because of the risk that flooding poses in the area.

In answer to a question from Cllr Gerry McMonagle, officials said the Letterkenny Flood Relief Scheme is listed as one of fifteen viable schemes in the Flood Risk Management Plan for Co Donegal due for delivery in the life of the current National Development Plan. As it stands, the scheme sits as one of six for the county that has yet to be released for project level assessment and delivery.

Due to the level of risk presented Letterkenny, particularly in the town centre, the council has prioritised a request for its release as soon as possible along with another scheme in Donegal Town, and the council is working with government and the OPW in that regard.

In the meantime, the council’s FRS Unit has been working with planners on a possible scheme to manage significant flood risk in the town centre through the creation of an urban wetland park.

Answer in full –

Cllr. Gerry McMonagle
39) “Can I have an update on the progress of the Letterkenny Flood
Relief Scheme application?”
Answer: The Letterkenny Flood Relief Scheme (FRS) is listed as
one of fifteen viable schemes in the Flood Risk Management Plan for
Co Donegal due for delivery in the life of the current National
Development Plan. As it stands, the scheme sits as one of six for
the county that has yet to be released for project level assessment
and delivery. Due to the level of risk presented Letterkenny,
particularly in the town centre, Donegal County Council have
prioritised a request for its released as soon as possible along with
another scheme in Donegal Town. Accordingly, representations
have been made by the Executive to both the relevant Minister and
Senior Management in the OPW. Donegal County Council are
actively considering resourcing requirements and supply chain
availability with the OPW with a view to release of the scheme, but
a date has yet to be agreed. In the meantime, the FRS Unit have
worked with colleagues in Planning through the development of the
2040 Draft Masterplan to develop a wholistic and sustainable
proposal to manage significant flood risk in the town centre through
the creation of an urban wetland park.
