HIQA finds two designated centres for people with disabilities in Donegal to be mostly compliant

Reports on two designated centres for people with disabilities in Donegal show them to be mostly compliant.

HIQA has highlighted a number of issues to be addressed at centres in Dungloe following unannounced visits.

At Dungloe Services 2 inspectors discovered that not all staff had completed ‘sexuality awareness in supported settings’ training or online training in infection, prevention and control.

The development of a proposed policy on safe Wi-Fi usage was not completed, although a risk assessment on Internet access had been developed.

Inspectors found that while governance and management had improved, due to the postponed transition of residents to three new designated centres in the area, residents’ assessed needs not always met by the premises.

In terms of Dungloe Services, it was found to be substantially compliant.

A staff member was awaiting completion of fire safety, behaviour support, manual handling and safeguarding training while the complaints policy and procedure did not provide sufficient guidance on the appeals process.

Arrangements were in place to safeguard residents from harm with 12 of 13 actions set out in response to the targeted safeguarding inspection programme completed.

The development of a policy on the provision of safe wi-fi usage had not yet been achieved, but management say it was in progress.

HSE Response:

Dungloe Services comprises of two residential facilities, namely, Chapel Road & Meenmore Community Houses. These services provides fulltime residential accommodation for six 6 adults. Both houses are on the outskirts of a small town. The services benefit from having
their own mode of transport for access to community-based activities and amenities.

Chapel Road: three residents have single occupancy bedrooms, with one being en-suite.

Communal facilities include a kitchen/dining room, sitting room and a shared bathroom, an office/staff bedroom and a staff bathroom.

Meenmore: has four bedrooms (two upstairs and two down stairs). Residents have single occupancy bedrooms. Communal facilities include a kitchen/dining room, sitting room, utility room and two shared bathrooms (one upstairs and one down stairs), an office/staff bedroom
and a staff bathroom.

Both houses are staffed on a 24/7 basis, the staff team includes a Person in Charge/Clinical Nurse Manager 2, Nurses and Health Care Assistants.

The HIQA inspections were carried out on November 14th and 15th and the report was published on the HIQA website on February 28th 2023.

Twelve regulations were inspected against the residential standards. At inspection, nine regulations were deemed to be fully compliant with the standards and three were found to be substantially compliant. The HSE Disability Services have taken a number of actions to ensure full regulatory compliance as follows:
 All outstanding training has been completed by staff.
 The HSE’s Policy for the Management of Feedback (Complaints, Compliments & Comments) has been discussed with Consumer Services to address an issue raised on inspection.
 Donegal Disability Services are currently developing a policy on the provision of safe wifi usage in conjunction with the Digital Health Lead, Health and Social Care Professionals and in consultation with other care group services. The policy, when completed, will then be adopted within residential services.

The HSE will continue to work ensure that a high quality of services is maintained within this centre.

Dungloe Services 2, Teach Piermont provides residential accommodation and care and support to nine adult residents. Teach Piermont is on the outskirts of a small town.

Communal facilities at Teach Piermont include a kitchen, dining room, utility, sitting room, three shared bathrooms, two offices and a staff bathroom. The service benefits from having its own mode of transport for access to community-based activities and amenities.

The service is staffed on a 24/7 basis. The staff team includes a Person in Charge/Clinical Nurse Manager 2, Nurses and Healthcare Assistants.

The HIQA inspection was carried out on December 5th 2022 and the report was published on the HIQA website on February 28th 2023.

Eleven regulations were inspected against standards. Seven regulations were deemed to be fully compliant with the residential standards and three were found to be substantially compliant. One regulation was found not to be in compliance. The HSE Disability Services have taken a number of actions to ensure all standards are met and the centre is compliant with regulations.

The actions include:
 Donegal Disability Services will continue progressing the requirements for the residents in Dungloe Services 2, Teach Piermont, to transition to three new, purpose built facilities within the local area
 A schedule of training has been developed for all staff to complete.

Donegal Disability Services are currently developing a policy on the provision of safe Wifi usage in conjunction with the Digital Health Lead, Health and Social Care Professionals and in consultation with other care group services. The policy will then be adopted within services.

The HSE will continue to work ensure that a high quality of services is maintained within this centre.
