MEP calls for an enhanced EU presence in Belfast, and the appointment of an EU Economic Envoy to NI

An Irish MEP has proposed the establishment of an EU ‘one-stop shop’ in Belfast, together with the appointment of an EU Economic Envoy to Northern Ireland.

Sean Kelly says that under the Windsor Framework, Northern Ireland enjoys access to both the EU and UK internal markets.

That, he says, puts the North in a unique position post Brexit where it can become a gateway to two of the world’s largest markets, and harnessing this potential could bring significant economic benefits to the region.

Sean Kelly also believes this would have positive benefits for border counties by strengthening cross border initiatives such as the North West City Region……

Release in full –

Kelly jointly proposes EU ‘one-stop shop’ for Belfast


27 July 2023


Seán Kelly MEP and First Vice-Chair of the EU-UK Parliamentary Partnership Assembly (PPA) has proposed the establishment of an EU ‘one-stop shop’ in Belfast, in a joint initiative alongside the PPA Chair Nathalie Loiseau (Renew, FR), and Second Vice-Chair Tsvetelina Penkova (S&D, BG). 


“Post-Brexit, under the Windsor Framework, Northern Ireland enjoys access to both the EU and UK internal markets. Thanks to this unique position, Northern Ireland could become a gateway to two of the world’s largest markets. Harnessing this potential could bring significant economic benefits to the region” said Kelly, speaking from his Ireland South constituency. 


“At the same time, we understand that Northern Ireland has undergone a period of significant regulatory and legislative change. Businesses may wish to take full advantage of the new trading arrangements post-Brexit, but are not quite sure how to do this. It is for this reason that we have proposed the EU one-stop shop in Belfast”, Kelly continued. 


“This EU one-stop shop, located in Belfast, would ensure that people and business can access the assistance they need to navigate the legislation applicable to them and provide them with the insights and supports necessary to seizing the opportunities of dual-market access.


“Separately, I have also called for the appointment of an EU Special Envoy to Northern Ireland, to promote the economic interests of Northern Ireland abroad. This Envoy could liaise with foreign businesses to highlight the unique benefits of investing in Northern Ireland. 


“I am confident that the EU one-stop shop and the Northern Ireland Envoy are two proposals that could work very well in tandem to enhance economic opportunities in Northern Ireland and facilitate the smooth implementation of the new arrangements under the Windsor Framework”, MEP Kelly added.
