Plans in place to accommodate Ukrainian refugees in Bruckless

It’s understood a centre for Ukrainian refugees is to be opened in South Donegal in the coming weeks.

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth has confirmed that the former Ringfort Inn in Bruckless  has been offered to the Department for the accommodation of Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection from Ukraine.

A spokesperson says it has been passed on to the Department of Housing, as the accommodation is in need of refurbishment.

A planning application is currently with Donegal County Council for a 16 en-suite bedroom extension at the site along with the extension of the hotel entrance lobby, dinning room entrance lobby and kitchen stores as well as the development of a detached general store building associated with hotel business and property maintenance and associated works.

Slieve League Hotel Ltd has also applied to upgrade the access road, install boundary fencing, leisure decks, access paths, landscape gardens and plantation, signage and external lighting.

No further details as to when the centre will open or how many refugees will be housed there is currently available.
