Sinn Féin see drop in support according to opinion poll released today

Sinn Féin has seen a drop in support in an opinion poll out today.

Meanwhile people appear to want a general election sooner rather than later.

A poll by the Business Post and Red C has seen Sinn Féin lose three percentage points in support, from 32 percent last month to 29 this month.

This further closes the gap with Fine Gael at 20 percent and Fianna Fáil at 16.

A significant drop in Sinn Féin support with 18 to 34 year olds is being hinted as a cause of the overall reduction in support in the party – an eight point decline from 39 percent to 31 percent.

Meanwhile, Fianna Fáil have seen a 3 percent boost in support in that age group, while Labour, Social Democrats and Independents have seen falls.

In the 35 to 54 age bracket, Sinn Féin have seen a 4 percent drop, Fine Gael and Labour have lost a percentage point, and Independents are up 4 to 18 percent.
