Dog owners in Derry and Strabane reminded to control dogs near livestock

Dog owners in Derry and Strabane are being reminded to control their dogs near livestock.

Derry City and Strabane District Council’s dog control and animal welfare team say it is a particular concern for farmers during lambing season.

Principal Environmental Health Officer Enda Cummins has warned that worrying livestock does not just mean attacking or killing sheep. If a dog chases livestock in such a way as could be expected to cause any form of suffering to the animals or a financial loss to their owner, it will be considered to have worried the livestock.

He says the financial loss can be substantial.

In certain circumstances, a farmer or landowner has the right to shoot a dog found attacking or worrying livestock.

The council’s dog wardens have the authority to seize any dog suspected of being involved in worrying or attacking livestock, owners may be prosecuted for any offences and a court order may order the dog be destroyed.
