Future of SRU in Carndonagh secured

The future of the Supervised Residential Unit in Carndonagh has been secured.

It’s been confirmed that a substantial programme of improvements is to be implemented to bring the unit up to HIQA standards, and ensure support services are in place.

Cllr Martin McDermott says it’s very important that the HSE has made this announcement on foot of significant discussions with the families of the residents:

Meanwhile Cllr Albert Doherty says its hoped the services will be operating next year:

HSE Statement:

The HSE Donegal, Mental Health Service, wishes to confirm that on 4th June, they had a successful meeting with family members and advocates regarding providing Mental Health Services to Service Users at Radharc na Sleibhte facility in Carndonagh.

The meeting’s purpose was to explain the transition process from a residential service at Radharc na Sleibhte to a Community Mental Health Service. This plan, in line with national mental health policies, including Sharing the Vision and Connecting for Life, advocates for the replacement of institutional settings with appropriate community support structures. This shift will promote independent and integrated living for service users within communities, a significant step towards their holistic well-being. This project will be a positive stride towards achieving this for the people of Inishowen.

Therefore, Donegal mental health service users will transition from a residential setting to a recovery-focused crisis intervention or step-down facility. A feasibility study will be completed to incorporate this 10-12 bed crisis/step-down facility supported with 24-hour staff cover. Service users, depending on their level of need, may transfer to Radharc na Sleibhte in Carndonagh for a period of time prior to discharge home. This ensures a seamless transition and continuous support for our service users, demonstrating our commitment to their well-being.

A seven-day outreach service will support recently discharged service users in remaining in their homes and integrating within their local community. This recovery-based model promotes independence, hope, and choice for all and will see further development of the wellness café nature walks. A section of Radharc na Sleibhte will be reconfigured to provide this service.

Day Services for more acute short-term service users will also be developed at Radharc na Sleibhte. This will support some of those with acute conditions to receive appropriate interventions while continuing to live in their own home and with their families.

Donegal Mental Health Service is committed to continuing engagement with all relevant stakeholders. We value your input and aim to develop a modern and recovery-focused Mental Health Service for the Inishowen region that continues to meet the mental health needs of all.
