An Garda Síochána issue advice for those going out this weekend

An Garda Síochána have issued safety advice for those going out this weekend.

In their appeal, they are warning people that if you resort to violence, you could not only wreck the life of your victim but you could also ruin your own future.

Use your brain and not your fist is the message from An Garda Síochána in Donegal for this weekend.

They have asked people to keep the following advice in mind.

Never attempt to reason with drunk or aggressive people. Walk away and look for help.

Be streetwise when you’re out and about. Planning is key to having a good night out. Arrange transport to and from events in advance. Let someone know where you are going and when you’ll be back.

And avoid walking alone and in dark places. Be wary of your surroundings and mind your property.

Gardaí are encouraging anybody, and in particular younger men, to report all assaults to An Garda Síochána. Anyone who has been assaulted will be treated with sensitivity and it will be fully investigated.

They have also warned that those who choose to be violent could lose their jobs, ability to travel, freedom, and cause distress to their families.
