New era on the horizon for Arranmore RNLI

A new era is on the horizon for the Arranmore RNLI team.

At the end of August a new coxswain will be instated, as well as five new crew members and a new boat house.

Jimmy Early is set to retire this month after 51 years of service with the RNLI.

He is to hand over the reins to Kieran O’Donnell.

Five new crew members are also due to begin at the end of the month.

As well as this the rescue team are launching their new boathouse on the 7th or September.

The crew have been operating out of portacabins while the new building was under construction and are delighted to be using the modern facilities.

The building is a spacious construction with rooms to house the tractor and launch boat, offices, large training areas and crew changing rooms.

The celebration will co-inside with 141 years of service by the Arranmore RNLI team and 200 year anniversary of the RNLI organisation as a whole.
