Donegal Fine Gael deputies divided over leadership?

Enda Kenny’s preparing for a difficult morning with his Fine Gael frontbench today, with a majority of members expected to tell him they’ve lost confidence in his leadersip.
At least 9 Richard Bruton supporters are expected to speak out today.
Enda Kenny will then have to decide whether to sack them like Richard Bruton, or accept their resignations and go ahead with Dail business and a vote of no confidence in the Taoiseach.
It’ll set the scene for a crucial parliamentary party meeting on Thursday, when both men will be looking for further support.
Thought to be supporting Richard Bruton, but not declared, is Donegal Deputy Joe McHugh, back-bencher Dinny McGinley yesterday gave his support to Enda Kenny.
Fine Gael Senator John Paul Phelan is convinced the time has come for a change of leadership:
