The Gweebarra Conservation group has said a decision to allow the construction of a wind farm in Glenties will destroy Donegal’s cultural traditions.
An Bord Pleanala granted permission for the wind-farm despite 10 parties having expressed opposition or concerns about the development including the Irish Peatlands and Conservation Group.
Pj Malloy had initially applied for permission for the construction of a wind farm 7 kilometres Northeast of Glenties comprising 35 wind turbines, control building, compound, access and all associated site works. Previous directions from the County Council had reduced this to 19 turbines.
Despite objections the planning board has granted conditional planning permission for the project, which reduced the size of the windfarm to 13 turbines.
In a Statement the Gweebara Conservation Group says the decision signals the death of the Gaelic cultural traditions in this area.
They say people will be forced to move away to avoid the health dangers of living within 2-4km of the turbines.
The group claims Donegal County Council and An Bord Pleanala are going against best international practice by allowing industrial turbines and high voltage power lines to be located within 500m of people’s homes.
They add that the tourism industry will be destroyed as no-one will come to a county festooned with turbines on every hill.
- Sun, 16 Feb 2025
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