Around the county: Councillor’s questions and the Council’s response

Not every representation Councillors make on the public’s behalf  gets on the news or in the papers,  but each month many issues are raised.
Here is a selection of questions asked by public representatives and the council’s response to them.
Councillor Marie Therese Gallagher has been told that the shortlisting of contractors for the Dungloe Glenties Sewerage Scheme will take place shortly.
They will then be invited to tender in January with construction to commence in 2012.
She was also informed that a  work shop is to be held with a view to developing a blue-print plan for the developing tourism product in the West of the County.
Councillor David Alcorn has queried why the public lighting erected on the N56 at Meenacuig, Gweedore has not been replaced with better lighting.
He was informed that one possible lighting system has been identified with funding to be sought from the NRA.
Councillor Jack Murray wants a policy in place to assist planning enforcement officers to deal with planning issues in a timely manners – he has been told that its a key area of activity within the planning service and that proposals are being drawn up to ensure best use of available resources.
Councillor Ian McGarvey wants a separate policy for development and funding of the islands – he has been told that a number of potential sources are currently being examined to meet the priority issues identified by Island representatives.
Councillor Mick Quinn wants the council to consider the take over of mechanical plants that are problematic in many estates – the council says it will have to examine the extent of the problems on an individual case basis, but points out there will be considerable cost involved.
The councillor also asked when work will start on the Water Treatment Scheme at Gartan Lake, work should start next year.
Councillor Brendan Byrne has queried when pipe replacement work will start in Frosses and Mountcharles – he has been told that work should start in January.
Councillor Gerry Crawford has raised the issue of lighting at Cathedral Hill, Raphoe – he was told that at the moment, the problems  there are not the council’s responsibility.
