Man given suspended jail sentance for disorderly behaviour in A&E

courtA man who told police that it was no wonder people put bombs under their cars while in the A & E department of Derry’s Altnagelvin Hospital was told there was every reason why he should go straight to prison.
Michael McDaid (40) of 16, Corrody Road admitted a charge of disorderly behaviour on March 1.
The court was told that police were at Altnagelvin Hospital on prisoner escort duty and McDaid was being treated for a head injury.
The defendant tried to sit down between the officer and the prisoner and was warned to go away.
Eventually he was led away and began shouting at police not to push him.
He then became abusive and said that it was ‘no wonder they put bombs under your cars.’
He continued to be abusive and make threats within the hearing of medical staff and the general public.
Defence solicitor Mr. Seamus Quigley said his client had a lengthy record of 59 previous convictions.
Deputy District Judge Nigel Broderick  sentenced McDaid to six months in prison suspended for three years and ordered him to pay £300 to the Friends of Altnagelvin charity.
