Work underway at LGH to establish interim Emergency and Radiology facilities


Letterkenny General Hospital is to provide support to GPs and the NowDoc service to allow minor injuries to be treated away from the hospital. Details of the initiative were confirmed at a lunchtime press briefing today.

Meanwhile, mobile x-ray and scanning equipment arrived at the hospital last evening. Work to commission that equipment is now underway, and it’s now intended that interim radiology and emergency facilities will be in place within two to three weeks.

Hospital Manager Sean Murphy told Highland Radio that work on getting that process up and running is already underway…………..

Meanwhile, it’s thought a number of nurses from Letterkenny General Hospital will travel to Altnagelvin Hospital in Derry over the weekend to work shifts there.

The hospital’s Clinical Director Dr. Paul O’Connor says this is possible in cases where nurses have dual registration in both juristictions………….
