David Alcorn expresses anger at council as he’s cleared of any expenses wrongdoing by SIPO

Donegal County Councillor David Alcorn has been cleared of any allegations of expenses irregularities by the Standards In Public Office Commission.
The Fianna Fail representative has released a statement confirming the investigation has ended.
In a statement released today, Councillor Alcorn said he was treated in a ‘disgraceful’ manner by the local authority who took 10 months to investigate the anonymous claims, while it took the Standards in Public Office Commission a few weeks to decide the alleged breaches were ‘groundless and did not warrant investigation’.
He added that he is publically demanding an explanation from Donegal County Council as to their conduct on this matter and why I was subjected to this treatment at their hands over the past 10 months and indeed  how they delayed for days to inform me of the decision already taken by SIPO”
