Doctors’ concern at Reilly plan for free Under 5 Medical Cards

The organisation that represents GPs says they haven’t been consulted on the Health Minister’s plans to provide free GP medical cards to the under 5s.
The IMO says Dr James  Reilly should not raise parents’ expectations – when he has not discussed the plan with very doctors who would provide the service.
Last week at the McGill Summer School in Glenties,  Minister  Reilly said he doesn’t want any parent to be in a position where they have to decide between buying the groceries and bring their child to the doctor.
It’s understood Minister Reilly plans to announce free GP cards for the under fives later this year – in a major revision of health policy.
However, doctors say they find it extraordinary that they’ve not been consulted on the plan.
The Irish Medical Organisation says there is no mention of how the government plans to pay for the free GP medical cards.
It says patient expectations shouldn’t be raised when GPs who operate the medical card system are already stretched to capacity.
The IMO wants Minister Reilly to outline how intends to finance his plan to let small children visit the doctor for free.
