Annagry teen remains seriously ill in hospital in England after car accident

conorboyleUp to 500 people offered prayers in Annagry Church last night for Loughanure teenager Conor Boyle who remains seriously ill in a UK hospital following a weekend car crash near Peterborough.
The Mass saw a huge turnout of young people, many of them friends and relatives of the young Rosses lad – together with a wide circle of relatives, family friends and members of various communities in west Donegal.
18-year-old Conor Boyle, received serious injuries in a road traffic accident near Peterborough at the weekend.
He had been travelling home to Doncaster from work on a tunnelling contract in Surrey when the accident happened at around 2.30am on Saturday last.
It is understood his car struck a stationary articulated truck before it careered off the A1 north of Peterborough.
The car ended up in a wooded area before colliding with a tree, the main impact of which was on the drivers side of the car.
During the ceremony in Annagry Church Conor’s three younger brothers carried the offertory gifts to the altar passing by a photograph of their older brother.
Local Priest Fr Britto offered prayers for Conor and his family and asked for the community to pray for Conor’s recovery. He spoke of how good it was to see so many young people in the packed church.
After Mass a candle was passed among the entire congregation as everyone prayed individually before it was lit and returned to the altar and placed beside Conor’s photograph.
Conor’s parents Hugh and Sheila remain at his bedside at the Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridge as he awaits further medial examinations, including an MRI scan, to access the full extent of his injuries.
The family has paid tribute to everyone at home and abroad for their kind messages of support and prayers.
