Over 3 million euro awarded to Donegal accident victims in first half of 2013

Neck BraceNew figures show that 149 Donegal claimants were awarded a total of 3.1 million euro from the Injuries Board in the first six months of this year.
The Injuries Board makes statutory personal injury awards in respect of motor, employer and public liability accidents.
During the first six months of 2013 the total compensation awarded to personal injury claimants increased by 8.3% to €118million.
Compensation was awarded to 5,286 personal injury claimants, a 2% increase on the number of awards made during the first six months of 2012.
In Donegal, €3.1million in compensation was awarded in respect of 149 accident claims during the first six months of the year.
The average award in the county was €21,030 and accounted for 2.82% of all awards made by the Board.
Nationally, road traffic accidents continued to account for the majority of personal injury claims and represented over three quarters – 16.4% of awards were for accidents in public places while  8.1% related to workplace accidents.
