Garda presence at funeral of RSF co-founder and former Bundoran councillor

joe o'neill
There was a security presence around Bundoran and Ballyshannon today for the funeral of veteran republican and former Bundoran Town Councillor Joe O’Neill.
Joe O’Neill was one of the founder members of Republican Sinn Fein in 1986 after a split when the policy of abstentionism from the Dail was dropped at Sinn Fein’s 1986 Ard Feis. He was a former treasurer of the party, and remained a Vice President and Ard Comhairle member up to his death last Wednesday.
He went on to represent the party on Bundoran Town Council, losing his seat in 1999. He also ran for Donegal County Council, but was unsuccessful.
Mr O’Neill, who ran the Ocean Bar on Bundoran’s Main Street was buried after requiem mass in Ballyshannon this afternoon.
There were garda checkpoints in the area during the removal from Bundoran to The Rock in Ballyshannon, with a republican colour party escorting the remains part of the way.
The graveside oration was delivered by Des Dalton, the president of Republican Sinn Féin.
