Mc Conalogue questions Bruton on how Infrastructure Programme will benefit Donegal

Charlie McConalogue FF
Charlie McConalogue FF

The apparent lack of Donegal projects in the government’s Infrastructure and Capital Plan 2012 to 2016 led to exchanges in the Dail this morning between Donegal North East Deputy Charlie Mc Conalogue and Enterprise Minister Richard Bruton.
This special report from Donal Kavanagh…….

During questions to Minister Bruton this morning, Deputy Mc Conalogue asked about the government’s Capital and Infrastrutrure Plan.
In response to a question about specific projects, Minister Bruton gave a generic answer about Enterprise Ireland and IDA support for Donegal companies and the importance of Letterkenny Institute of Technology.
Deputy Mc Conalogue accussed the minister of waffling, and asked him if projects such as the Lifford Letterkenny road, Bonagee link and Cockhill Bridge would be supported.
Minister Richard Bruton
Minister Richard Bruton

In response, Minister Bruton questioned whether Deputy Mc Coanlogue understands his department’s
responsibilities and powers. He suggested the question might be asked elsewhere.
Deputy Mc Conalogue countered that he perfectly understands the minister’s brief. He pointed out that the investment programme was designed to create jobs, adding that the Donegal projects he is advocating have the potential to stimulater investment in Donegal.
MInister Bruton said he doesn’t doubt the merit of the Donegal projects, but repeated he cannot do anything to progress them.
