Mc Conalogue questions Enterprise Minister on IDA record in Donegal

Donegal North East Deputy Charlie Mc Conalogue says the IDA needs to do more to attract new investment into Donegal.
In a question to Jobs and Enterprise Minister Richard Bruton, Deputy Mc Conalogue asked about the possibility of new companies being brought into the county.
Minister Bruton replied that a number of companies in the couinty are expanding, ans site visits are increasing…………

Charlie McConalogue 1
Deputy Mc Conalogue welcomed the expansions, but said the IDA pledge to locate 50% of new jobs in the regions has not benefitted Donegal.
That. he says, has not been helped by the transfer of the IDA’s Noth West office out of Letterkenny.
He also questioned the number of new site visits in the county………….
