Campaign intensifies in Derry to retain art gallery at Ebrington

turner proze
The campaign to retain an Art Gallery at the site of the Turner Prize Exhibition at Ebrington in Derry has intensified, with up to 400 people attending a demonstration outside the venue yesterday as the Turner Prize Exhibition closed.
The demonstration was chaired by local activist and Void Gallery Director Eamon Mc Cann, who says the interest in the Turner Prize shows there is an appetite for art in the city and surrounding areas, and this should be the legacy of the UK City of Culture.
Eamon Mc Cann says with so much of the infrastructure of 2013 now being taken down, to rip out the inside of the Turner Gallery to develop offices would be a travesty, particularly as over 2 million pounds has been spent ensuring the gallery is state of the art in every respect,.
He says if people are serious about a legacy from the City of Culture, this must be at its centre……
