Donegal County Council Budget meeting continues with still no agreement in sight

Donegal County CouncilDonegal County Councillors are no further ahead this evening in reaching an agreement to pass the budget for this year.
After fifteen adjournments over the course of three days, the Council is heading for another marathon budget meeting.
The 2013 budget meeting wasn’t passed until 5am in the morning after 34 adjournments and today’s meeting looks likely to follow suit.
If the Budget isn’t passed by midnight tonight, then Donegal County Council could dissolve, and Environment Minister Phil Hogan will appoint a civil servant to put together Donegal County Councils budget.
If the meeting continues after midnight, then there can be no more adjournments until an agreement is reached or the Council folds.
It currently seems that an agreement is unlikely.
Fianna Fail says it cannot support the budget after meeting with Council management.
The party wants clarification around Irish water, a rates cut of at least 5% and more investment in maintenance of the housing stock.
Sinn Fein has also said they cannot support another austerity budget – its main sticking point with the current draft is the introduction of water charges.
While Fine Gael has said they’ll support the budget with a number of adjustments.
The party also wants a 5% rates decrease, while they want the development fund to be increased by 50,000 euro for each electoral area.
At this stage Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and Sinn Fein haven’t sat down together during an adjournment to try and work a compromise.
