Pylon report expected to find no health risk association

A cancer expert says putting power lines underground reduces the risk of childhood leukaemia from electromagnetic fields to almost zero.
The European Commission is to publish a major review of the health risks caused by pylons today, which will likely recommend that pylons be routed to affect as few houses as possible.
Meanwhile a childhood cancer expert says it is possible one child could develop fatal leukaemia every 10 or 20 years from living close to a pylon.
Professor Anthony Staines is a lecturer at DCU who has researched child cancers. He says the risk from pylons is not clear, but it should not be ignored.
“Children who live in houses of the very, very top level of magnetic field exposure – and this is less than one percent of all houses – have approximately twice the risk of childhood leukaemia as otter children” he said.
“In those houses, a bit under half of that exposure in the UK – where this has been studied in detail – come from external power lines; and a bit over half come from sources within the house itself” he added.
