Donegal family take their ‘lost at sea’ scheme case to the EU Parliament

MEP JIm Higgins
The European Parliament’s Petitions Committee will next week hear the case of a Donegal family who were excluded in the ‘lost at sea’ scheme.
Francis Byrne, his son Jimmy (16) and three crew members were lost with their fishing vessel in 1981.
The Byrnes, from Inver had appealed to the Ombudsman because they felt the scheme, which only compensated six families, wrongly rejected them.
In 2010, an Ombudsman’s report found the Byrne family had not received fair treatment under the scheme and it was recommended they should receive a payment of 245 thousand euro – but that has not happened.
The European Parliament is now being asked to weigh in on the issue.
The Campaign is backed by Northwest MEP JIm Higgins who is hopeful of a positive outcome:

