Minister dismisses NYC parade boycott

Leo Varadkar
The Transport and Tourism Minister Leo Varadkar says his Cabinet colleagues should not boycott New York’s St. Patrick’s Day parade.
Yesterday Social Protection Minister Joan Burton said she has made it clear that she will not take part in the event in protest at the parade restrictions on gay and lesbian groups.
New York’s Mayor Bill De Blasio will also boycott the event but Taoiseach Enda Kenny says he will be taking part.
And Tourism Minister Leo Varadkar says a Ministerial boycott of the parade would not work.
“I think it’s better to attend the event – but at that event to tell people what you think and what their view is” he said.
“I think this government is a very strong supporter of LGBT rights; we’ve demonstrated that in a number of ways – both we the adoption legislation that’s forthcoming and the referendum next year”.
“I’d like to see us attending these events and saying that to the organisers rather than boycotting them”.
“When you boycott things you’re just ignored” he added.
