Cope clashes with Green candidate over voting record on EUSF

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A Green Party candidate for the Midlands – North West in the European elections has criticised the remarks made by MEP Pat The Cope Gallagher in regard to the Government’s failure to apply for funding from the European Union Solidarity Fund for storm damage.
Yesterday Pat the Cope Gallagher called the Governments decision not to apply for EU Solidarity Funding in the wake of the extreme weather “ludicrous and rash”.
But Green Party candidate MEP candidate Mark Deary says Mr Gallagher voted to cut the EUSF by 50%, and he says for him to come out what he says yesterday is him speaking out of both sides of his mouth……….

However, Pat The Cope Gallagher is rejecting the criticism – He says the fund was one component of the EU budget which he supported and the Green party rejected…………….
